Our IP Lawyer Lönnqvist’s and Heikkilä’s interview in todays Hufvudstadsbladet

Many companies may register trademarks, which are never or passively used .

With the new Trademarks Act in Finland, it is possible for competitors to challenge such a trademark registration more easily than before, if there is not sufficient proof of use of the trademark in question. This was also the case in a trademark dispute between the hamburger giant McDonald’s and the Irish Supermac’s fast food restaurant chain.

Boco IP’s IP lawyers Elina Heikkilä and Pamela Lönnqvist were interviewed in today’s Hufvudstadsbladet. Introduction to the Interview   on the cover page and full text on page 8 in Swedish (subscription required)


Boco IP provides services in Finnish, Swedish and English. More information about our experts can be found here: https://www.bocoip.com/en/people/

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