WTR 1000 2018: Boco IP recommended IP firm for trademark prosecution and strategy in Finland

The World Trademark Review has published its international WTR 1000 2018 research and Boco IP remains one of the recommended IP firms for trademark prosecution and strategy in Finland. Further, our IP lawyers Peter Åkerlund and Elina Heikkilä are highlighted as recommended trademark experts. The WTR research states following about us:

“The practitioners at Boco IP are incredibly professional and produce consistently high-quality, error-free work. The team understands clients’ business concerns well, and aligns its service with their needs in respect of costs.” According to one domestic client, it is “clearly the best IP agency in Finland”. Leading the charge is Peter Åkerlund, a masterful strategist who is well attuned to the risk tolerance of those he represents. His practice is a broad church, encompassing search and clearance, prosecution, IP contracts and trademark infringement and opposition proceedings. Elina Heikkilä makes her debut in the WTR 1000 this year on a wave of enthusiastic client endorsements: “Elina is incredibly efficient and reliable, and does everything in her power to support your business.” “She communicates clearly and focuses on all the right things, and is able to adapt her way of working to suit your requirements.” She boasts encyclopaedic knowledge of the trademark laws in multiple jurisdictions, and takes responsibility for Boco IP’s international activities.

We are honored for the recognition.

Please read more about WTR 1000 2018 results here.

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