Our solutions /  Trademarks

Preliminary trademark searches

Preliminary searches define the risks associated with the registration and use of a trademark.


With the help of our experts, it is worthwhile to map out the risks related to the protection and use of trademarks in a timely manner through preliminary trademark searches. Without a prior investigation, there is a risk that you will infringe  marks or trade names previously protected by others.


Legal risks associated with the trademarks may at worst prevent the protection of your trademark. Legal risks associated with the use of the mark may result in a need to change your own trademark, or prevent its use in some countries. To minimize the risks, it is a good idea to do a preliminary search before using the mark. The purpose of the search is to determine which similar marks or trade names related to similar products or services have previously been protected. Preliminary trademark searches should also be carried out when a mark already in use is introduced in, or sought to be protected in new countries. Our preliminary search determines the types of products and services the mark is intended to be used for as well as the countries in which the mark is to be used. Our written search report also includes a recommendation for further action. The preliminary examination also assesses whether the mark is distinctive, i.e. that it does not describe the characteristics of the products to be protected. The distinctive character of a mark is a key requirement for the registrability of the mark. Our preliminary trademark searches provide valuable information about the risks associated with registering and using a trademark. With the help of preliminary trademark searches the client avoids selecting a trademark with significant risks associated with its use or registration. The information obtained from a preliminary search is especially valuable when planning the appearance and the exact range of products and services a trademark is to be registered for. A preliminary search also provides valuable information, even though the brand has already been launched. The result of the search enables informed decisions to be made about where and for which products and services the trademark should be protected in order to reduce risks. The search can also produce valuable information in which countries the mark is not recommended to be used.
The client is searching for a new name for its product, service or company name and contacts Boco IP’s trademark expert.
Before the search
Boco IP's trademark expert and the client will together define the products (goods and/or services) and the countries where the client expects in the near future to sell products with the mark. Simultaneously, the depth of the search is decided.
Search, analysis and reporting
Boco IP’s expert uses database tools to search the official trademark and company name registers as well as different web-platforms and analyzes similar findings. The analysis focuses on the risks that the findings may pose when using the researched name. Boco IP's expert will compile a report on the results in which the findings are listed along with risk analyses. The report will also include advice on how to proceed with registering the client’s mark.
Meeting and next steps
If necessary, a final meeting will be held after the report has been completed, in which the results of the research will be reviewed and further measures will be agreed upon.

Pricing examples

Please note that the price estimate for a trademark application depends in part on the amount of time it takes to complete the application. This is affected, for example, by how accurately the products and services covered by the mark are described, whether there are ready-made images of the mark and how much expert preparation and consultation is required.
Word mark, EU area, BocoMatch search

Rapid preliminary search of the freedom to use and register a trademark in the EU area. Attention is on previous trademark registrations that contain an identical word and concern similar goods or services. The study is carried out using the Corsearch ExaMatch tool.

Price estimate 375 € + VAT
Word mark, EU area, BocoCheck search

Extensive prior examination of the freedom of use and registration of the trademark in the EU area. Attention is on previous trademark registrations and business names containing identical or similar words concerning similar goods or services. The research is carried out using the Corsearch ExaMatch tool.

645 € + VAT

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Antti Pörhönen
Patent Attorney
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Boco IP - Petri Nieminen profiilikuva
Petri Nieminen
Consulting Director, Partner
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Boco IP:n toimitusjohtaja Karri Leskinen profiilikuva
Karri Leskinen
Managing Director, Partner
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Jonna Sahlin profiilikuva
Jonna Sahlin
European Patent Attorney, Chairman of the board, Partner
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Boco IP - Marja-Liisa Autti profiilikuva
Marja Liisa Autti
European Patent Attorney, Partner
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Boco IP - Nina Virolaisen profiilikuva
Nina Virolainen
European Patent Attorney
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Peter Åkerlund
IP Lawyer, Partner
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Sini-Maaria Mikkilä profiilikuva
Sini-Maaria Mikkilä
Chief Strategy Officer, European Patent Attorney, Partner
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Antti Pörhönen

Patent Attorney

I have handled patenting of mainly mechanical solutions in various fields of technology. Additionally, I conduct patentability searches and patent evaluations, and I also have experience with design applications. In my work, I value long-term cooperation with clients, striving to understand their business and relevant technologies. My background is in materials technology with a specialization in metallurgy and steels, and I have also worked in research and development as well as mechanical design of electrical machines. I have been working in the field of patents since 2021, and I am a registered patent attorney in Finland.

M. Sc. (Tech.)
Finnish, Swedish, English, Italian, German
Boco IP - Petri Nieminen profiilikuva

Petri Nieminen

Consulting Director, Partner

How can I help you! My job at Boco includes managing our consulting and training services. In my role as an expert, I do strategy consulting as an accredited Design IP Strategy expert, I also do market and competitor surveys, as well as training and workshop events. My special expertise is in valuing patents. I have previous work experience in consulting and management at Accenture and BEA Systems (now part of Oracle). In addition, as an entrepreneur and owner, I was involved in creating a new kind of commercialization service at Iprbox Oy, the business of which was acquired by Boco in 2008. Employed by Boco IP since then!

ICT field in general, product development, sales and marketing
Finnish, English, Swedish, German
Accenture Alumni, BEA Systems Alumni, spending free time outdoors together with family
Boco IP:n toimitusjohtaja Karri Leskinen profiilikuva

Karri Leskinen

Managing Director, Partner

Welcome to my page! How can I help?

I work at Boco IP as both CEO and patent attorney. As CEO, I want to help my colleagues succeed in their jobs and create a corporate culture where it is great to work. In my role as a patent attorney, I’m active in designing and implementing of clients' IPR strategies. With regard to assignments, I have focused especially on the handling of opposition cases in Finland and at the European Patent Office. I’m easily enthusiastic about everything related to the IP and I am happy to share this enthusiasm by lecturing and training new people in the IP field. In addition, I act as an expert in patent litigations, draft opinions and advise on patent law matters. I started at Boco IP in 2005, but I have been in the patent attorney since 1999. Feel free to contact me and let's talk more.

M.Sc. (polymer chemistry, plant design)
Finnish, English, Swedish, German
Expert member of the Market Court, The Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys, FICPI, AIPPI, European Patent Institute, the Finnish Association for Industrial Property Rights, gym, golf, snowboarding, music, reading
Jonna Sahlin profiilikuva

Jonna Sahlin

European Patent Attorney, Chairman of the board, Partner

I am happy to advise and assist in various matters related to intellectual property rights and strategy, especially in the fields of chemistry, process technology, medicine, and diagnostics. I like problem solving and interaction with customers and colleagues, and I think the best results are usually achieved when the cooperation works smoothly. I handle patenting of inventions both in Finland and internationally, and in addition to prosecution of applications, I, among other things, also draft oppositions, freedom-to-operate analyses, and statements on the interpretation of patents.

I have been employed by Boco IP since 1998 and, after various tasks over the years,  I nowadays mostly work with patent matters. Since 2017, I have represented Finland as a council member of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) and as a Finnish member of the epi's Professional Conduct Committee (PCC).

M.Sc. (chemistry, food technology, polymer technology)
Swedish, Finnish, English, (German)
Expert member of the Market Court, European Patent Institute (epi, council member 2017-), Finnish Patent Attorneys Association (SPAY, chairman 2010-2013), active in co-operation with Nordic patent attorneys in the field of chemistry, AIPPI, FICPI, UNION, Finnish Association of Industrial Law (STY) and Finnish Chemists Society (SKS), swimming, running, downhill skiing, gardening
Boco IP - Marja-Liisa Autti profiilikuva

Marja Liisa Autti

European Patent Attorney, Partner

I mainly deal with patenting in the fields of information technology, electronics and radio technology. The invention of many of the patent applications I have handled has been implemented as a computer program or software, but I am also no stranger to mechanical devices. In many cases, the inventions are combinations of devices and their control or processing of signals obtained therefrom. My job includes drafting patent applications, preparing office action reports and office action responses, handling opposition matters as well as performing novelty searches and technology mappings. I work as an authorized patent attorney, authorized by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office PRH. Prior to my career as a patent attorney, I gained 15 years of experience in patenting, IPR strategy and patent portfolio management in telecommunications field, as well as previous experience in research and development in the telecommunications and electronics industry. I have been employed by Boco IP since 2014.

M.Sc. (electrical engineering: applied electronics, metrology, bioelectronics)
Finnish, English, Swedish
Orienteering, trail running, swimrun, geocaching, piano, gardening, genealogy
Boco IP - Nina Virolaisen profiilikuva

Nina Virolainen

European Patent Attorney

I assist and advise our clients in protection of inventions in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry including diagnostics, molecular biology, microbiology, immunochemistry and process chemistry. My area of expertise is also the protection of biotechnology, bioenergy and cleantech processes and solutions. In addition, I assist our clients with employee’s inventions, competitor tracking, freedom to operate assessments and novelty searches.

I have worked in the patent industry since 2017. Before that, I have several years of R&D experience in developing and implementing innovative biotechnology and environmental technology solutions, both as a university researcher and at a startup company. I got interested in the IPR industry after being an inventor in patent applications myself, so I have multifaceted experience in turning research into protected inventions that add value to their owner. The best part of my job is getting a glimpse into pioneering research in many different fields!

PhD (Environmental Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Finnish, English, Swedish, German

Peter Åkerlund

IP Lawyer, Partner

I have a legal background and authorized to represent clients at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Finnish Patent Office, and at Finnish courts. I help clients to create strategies for the protection of brands, designs and other intangible assets. I conduct risk analysis' related to the use and registration of trademarks, and handle trademark registration and design protection worldwide. I also advise on contractual matters related to Intellectual Property and act as clients' representative in negotiations, and deal with trademark and design infringements, prosecute trademark oppositions and trademark and design cancellation procedures, and handle disputes related to domains. I have worked at Boco IP since 1999.

LL.M., Master of Laws trained on the bench
Swedish, Finnish, English
The Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys, the Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group, IPR University Center Association, the Finnish Marketing Association MARK (several confidential posts in the above-mentioned organizations over the years), INTA, the Finnish Association for Industrial Property Rights, Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, literature, art, economy
Sini-Maaria Mikkilä profiilikuva

Sini-Maaria Mikkilä

Chief Strategy Officer, European Patent Attorney, Partner

I am happy to help with all kinds of IP matters, and especially with technical inventions, their protection by patents and utility models in Europe and internationally, and with matters related to defending IP rights, such as oppositions, appeals and infringement matters. I have worked as a patent attorney since 2008 and during the time I have helped to protect and defend a wide variety of inventions, but I am most experienced in protecting inventions related to machines and equipment and hydraulic, electrical and software control thereof, as well as components and geometries. I am also interested in hydraulics, measurements, automatic detection, and different types of sensor applications as well as user interfaces and energy technology applications.

I really like the versatility of patent attorney's work. In addition to patent prosecution, I am happy to advise clients on IP issues, such as planning IP and protection strategies, and employment invention matters. I find it interesting to analyse similarities and differences between solutions, and I like preparing expert opinions related to scope of protection and suspected patent infringement cases, for example. I also conduct novelty and technology searches. It is also important for me to increase IP awareness and, therefore, I also like to organize IP trainings and IP workshops.

I would like to encourage you to contact me especially if you work within an industry like industrial machinery or equipment, mobile machinery, automotive industry, mining, consumer products, paper and forestry, public services, freight and logistics, health technology, measuring equipment and technology, renewable energy, or telecommunications. However, please feel free to contact me in any other IP matters, as I am always happy to help you to find the best expert on any matter, whether it is me or someone else.

I started at Boco IP in 2021 opening our Tampere office, but I help clients all over Finland and abroad, in Finnish, English and Swedish. Besides IPR matters, I also have an extensive experience in developing and deploying processes and information system tools.

M.Sc. (Automation Technology)
Finnish, English, Swedish, German, Russian
European Patent Institute (member), Finnish Patent Attorneys Association (member), FICPI ​​(member) Crafts and creative writing
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Boco IP - Elina Heikkilä profiilikuva
Elina Heikkilä
IP-Lawyer, Partner
+358 9 6866 8415
Boco IP - Jerry Härkönen profiilikuva
Jerry Härkönen
+358 40 538 7223
Laura Roselus profiilikuva Boco IP
Laura Roselius
IP Lawyer, Partner
+358 40 738 4475
Peter Åkerlund
IP Lawyer, Partner
+358 9 6866 8413