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Portfolio management
Transfers and name changes
It is essential to keep the owner information in the patent, trademark and design registers up to date.
Keeping name and transfer information up to date is important because it clarifies who owns the rights. When there is a change in the owner’s name or ownership relationship, it is the responsibility of the rights holder to update the new information in the register, as the authorities maintaining the registers do not make such updates on their own initiative. In case of acquisitions or mergers, it is particularly important that changes are handled quickly. This allows the the necessary information and documents on time. We are always in touch with the customer before taking any action, considering that making changes to the registry may require obtaining or preparing documents. Additionally, posting a change typically incurs regulatory fees. Foreign registrations often require translations of documents and consultation with local experts.
The customer will contact Boco IP for future changes.
We will take care of any changes that come to our attention and we will contact the customer before taking any action. We review the documents required for changes with the customer.
Change in registration
We make registry changes as agreed with the customer to the registry authorities and provide the necessary supporting documents.
From time to time, translations of documents and consultation with local experts are required, especially for foreign registrations. We take care of these on behalf of the customer.
Pricing examples
Transfer of a Finnish trademark
Transfer of a Finnish trademark to a new proprietor: approximately 450 €
450 €
Transfer of an EU trade mark
Transfer of an EU trademark to a new holder: approximately 350 €
350 €
Transfer of a Finnish patent
Transfer of a Finnish patent to a new holder: approximately 450 €
450 €
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We provide our clients with comprehensive services where IPR is an integral part of a company’s strategy work and business.
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